Why should you come to Guatemala?

Pastor Matt Stokes from Coastal Christian, NJ shares why he thinks coming to Guatemala and seeing things first hand can give you a new perspective on how the body of Christ functions inside and outside the US.


News from Próximos Pasos

News from Próximos Pasos


This past Tuesday with the help of the Seacoast Church team, Próximos Pasos School honored the mothers of their students by inviting them to a special afternoon for a devotional, lunch, art activity, and a special talk about the biblical importance of family. The team also washed and massaged the women’s hands, often praying for each one. Knowing that these women work very hard and have little time for relaxing and socializing in their day, it was rewarding to see more than eighty mothers come participate in the event.

The very next day, the school held a huge celebration for their students with summer birthdays. Traditionally, many of these girls do not have their birthdays celebrated at home. Most of them didn’t stop smiling all afternoon as they joined in animal charades and balloon tag, making marshmallow ballerinas and foam crafts, a photo booth, eating cake, and other activities that made this day special with their teachers and the Seacoast team.

Mitch’s Testimony

Mitch is a student from Oral Roberts University. Here he is sharing his highlights and thoughts after spending 4 weeks working at different ministry sites with Mission Impact in Antigua, Guatemala and other rural communities, enjoy. Thank you Mitch!



Salad anyone?

Salad anyone?

For the last three months Mission Impact has been working on different levels of Hydroponics. We started a big project in Vida & Esperanza, with the hopes to extended to other ministry sites as well. When dealing with hydroponics, your crops don’t have to “compete” with other organims for nurishment and water. This is translated into efficiency in its development, in this case our lettuce was ready to harvest after 35-40 days instead of 60-70 days. Stay tune for more news on how our hydroponics projects is going.