Sowing Hope
Student Sponsorship Program

Sowing Hope Student Sponsorship Program at Mission Impact in Guatemala is a powerful way to partner with an underprivileged student and help them break the bond of poverty by giving them the chance to change direction and transform their future. Our mission at Sowing Hope is to provide our students with a holistic education as well as spiritual guidance by helping them grow in their faith and identity in Christ. Our program connects you with a Guatemalan child who has limited resources to get a quality education and needs your help to build a brighter future. With your support you will be providing life-changing benefits and creating new and amazing opportunities at a low monthly donation.
Mission Impact’s sponsored students attend one of our three-partnership schools. PROXIMOS PASOS SCHOOL which is an all-girls school located in the Mayan community of Santa María de Jesús and offers elementary grades through junior high. VIDA & ESPERANZA SCHOOL is a co-ed school located in Santa Lucía Milpas Altas with Pre-K Grades through 12th Grade. NEW HOPE NURSING SCHOOL which is a nursing assistant school located in Santa Maria de Jesus that provides women around 18-35 years old with basic nursing knowledge such as inserting an IV, checking blood sugar and high blood pressure, assisting in labor and delivery all based in a Christ-centered education.

A study from the University of Chicago found that adults who had been part of an international sponsorship program were more likely to excel in areas such as completing secondary school, obtaining a college degree, as well as attaining stable jobs. This same study confirms the positive effects that student sponsorship has on these students once they reach adulthood. Some of these effects being the higher percentage these sponsored students have in finishing secondary school, obtaining better employment, as well as their chances at becoming leaders in their communities. Student sponsorship programs like Mission Impact’s Sowing Hope has a huge and lasting impact on the sponsored student as well as their families and communities. Sponsorship provides a face to those wishing to join the fight to alleviate world poverty and these studies show that it is paying off.
Our students from Proximos Pasos Girls School and Vida & Esperanza School receive a quality Christian education based on Biblical values with weekly devotional times, and Bible studies. They also receive classes in cooking, wood and metal shops, sewing, music, English, CNC-Robotics, graphic design, gardening/hydroponics, and biology.
If you are not currently sponsoring a child through our Sowing Hope Student Sponsorship Program and would like to start giving hope in Christ and building a brighter future, please START IMPACTING THE LIFE OF A CHILD! For you to get more information, please contact us at SPONSORSHIP@MISSIONIMPACT.COM or call our toll-free number at #800-392-5020.

Video of Proximos Pasos